Deer Management

Management Plan to Ensure Public Safety and Reduce Property Damage inside the City Limits
The City of Oxford Mayor and Board of Aldermen adopted a deer management plan in August 2010. The goal of this plan is to ensure a safe and effective system to manage the growth and control of the white tail deer population that resides within the boundaries of the City of Oxford. The plan includes methods to ensure public safety, reduce property damage, and destruction caused by overpopulation within the urban areas of the city limits.
Hunting within the boundaries of the City of Oxford is a privilege granted by the City of Oxford Mayor and Board of Alderman. The City of Oxford conducts these hunts in an effort to scientifically manage wildlife populations within the city limits, and in an effort to preserve a balanced ecosystem while providing viewing opportunities for the citizens and general public. The current and future success of these hunts depends on the ethical and safe conduct of all individuals who participate in this program. If this program is to be a success and continue, each individual involved in the program must make their safety, and the safety of the public, as the first and foremost priority.
City of Oxford Controlled Hunts will be authorized under an Animal Control Permit issued by the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) after the City of Oxford applies for and receives said permit.