Oxford Utilities

Oxford Utilities has been responsible for providing electric service to the citizens of Oxford for over 100 years.
Customer Service
All customer service issues concerning water, sewer and electric utilities are handled through Oxford Utilities.300 McElroy Drive
P.O. Box 827
Oxford, MS 38655
Fax 662-232-2375
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00p.m
For emergencies, please use the following contact information
Oxford Utilities
Regular Hours: 662-232-2373
After Hours: 662-232-2410
Oxford Public Works
Regular Hours: 662-232-2373
After Hours: 662-232-2400
Pay Your Bill
Payments may be made by telephone, online or at the Oxford Utilities office located at 300 McElroy Drive during business hours. For after-hours payments, drop boxes are located at Oxford Utilities next to the drive through window and at City Hall on the Oxford Square. Payments may also be mailed to:
P.O. Box 965
Oxford, MS 38655
Connect, Disconnect or Change Service
To establish, disconnect, or change electric, water and/or sewer service, click on the appropriate form below, complete and print.
- Request for Electric, Water and Sewer Service Activation Form
- Request for Electric, Water and Sewer Service Disconnection Form
- Request for Electric, Water and Sewer Service Transfer Form
An appropriate deposit must be paid in advance, prior to connecting any electric, water and/or sewer service. Bring the completed utility form, photo ID and deposit to Oxford Utilities (300 McElroy Drive) during business hours or mail the form, a copy of the photo ID and deposit to:
P.O. Box 827
Oxford, MS 38655
Deposit rates
The following Schedule of Customer Deposits is hereby fixed and established:
Residential utility accounts shall have set deposit amounts for the following utilities provided: Sanitation, Water, Sewer and *Electric. For accounts with more than one utility service provided, the amounts below shall be added for each applicable utility. Prior to mailing a deposit check, please contact our office to determine which utilities are available at your location and the total deposit amount required. In addition to a utility deposit, a $15 service fee is required to establish/transfer utility service.
Utility Service | Amount |
Sanitation | $25 |
Water | $50 |
Sewer | $50 |
Electric | $150 |
Commercial electric and water deposit amounts shall be twice the average estimated monthly bill for the location requesting service (Example: average monthly bill x 2 = required deposit amount)
For accounts in which the usage can’t be estimated (insufficient data, change in use at service location, etc.) the following minimum deposit amounts shall apply:
Minimum Deposit: | Amount |
Water, Sewer & Sanitation | $125 |
Electric | $225 |
Short Term
Short Term Deposit shall apply to customers wishing to connect utility service for a short time frame (<30 days). For accounts with more than one utility service provided, the amounts below shall be added for each applicable utility.
Residential: | Amount |
Water, Sewer & Sanitation | $25 |
Electric | $50 |
Commercial: | Amount |
Water, Sewer & Sanitation | $125 |
Electric | $225 |
*Residential electric accounts shall have a set deposit amount that shall not exceed twice the monthly average bill for the overall residential class
**Descriptions of customer classification and deposit requirements are located in the Oxford Utilities – Schedule of Rules and Regulations.